Friday, 29 August 2008

Packing Up

So, right now Eoin and I are packing up some of our things to get ready to head out to NZ! We put our sleeping bags, tent, books and dvds (along with some other random junk) in a suitcase and HOPEFULLY all of our clothes, shoes, more books, toiletries and even more random junk fits in our backpacks.
Eoin will be fine, but I tend to be a bit of an over-packer so this should be interesting. I will probably end up putting some of my things in Eoin's bag...but don't tell him this yet. He probably won't want to carry around my shoes or toiletries.
Anyway, we also got some of our NZ Dollars the other day. Just enough to pay for a few meals or an emergency hostel overnight or two. Or an emergency shopping spree. I might see a really cute shirt or shoes... it's best to be prepared...right?
Alright, I have to get back to packing and stuff. I leave in a few days and I am really excited and a bit nervous too.